A Space for Connection

The Women Gather Retreat is a space curated for the rest and restoration of women, by women and through women. It is a space that calls women to the service of other women through the subversive act of community. In this second half of my life, I am committed to curating spaces and experiences for women to connect to each other and deepen their connection to themselves through writing and other healing modalities…

without the mask.

What this retreat is not…

  • a spa vacation

    The intention is to provide a space for healing through deep connection and spiritual practices: mindfulness, meditation, writing, ceremony and other modalities of healing.

  • a girl's night out

    In the presence of women, you will experience a balance between community time and personal time for self-reflection and restoration.

  • an individual pursuit

    Inspired by my own need to be in the company of women for support, sisterhood and love, I, along with other minds, envisioned a space where we can simply be, and tell the truth. We are here in service of one another.

The Women Gather because it is not unusual to seek comfort in our hours of stress…Most of us comfort because we need comforting, our ancient rituals demand that we give what we hope to receive…

~Nikki Giovanni