I mostly felt shame about my body, no matter how big or small. The first time I asked for what I wanted I was 45. It was then that I found freedom. I often find myself wondering: How did I get here? Then the next step in the staircase appears, showing me the way out. Appearances are deceiving. I spent many years living in the shadows, finding solace on the bathroom floor where I could fully feel the pain in secret. A large part of figuring out who I am is knowing who I am not. I am not a wilting flower, and I get to define what it means to be a lady. I’ve worked hard in my life to be smart. In middle-age, I am finding the desire to also be beautiful. My greatest lesson of all was learning to get up and walk away. staying too long is a trauma response. I knew i was a grown aSS WOMAN WHEN i STARTED DRINKING WHISKEY… ALONE. As photographed by Preston Lewis Thomas Back to Top